Did you know that the average person encounters thousands of germs every day? Many of these germs are harmless, but a variety lives in your home.

According to microbiologists, a homeowner’s toilet is cleaner than the kitchen sink! Just imagine what other germs lurk in overlooked locations. 

Forgetting to clean is a common occurrence. You can remember to vacuum, dust, or clean the shower.

But, what are some of the most overlooking cleaning spots in your home? Read on to discover the dirty areas you may need to clean right now.  

1. Baseboards 

You might clean your floors every week. But what about the baseboards? If you have molding or wood baseboards, these surfaces collect dust and grime.

Baseboards are one of the most neglected cleaning areas because of the low access point. If you have back problems, you may need professional cleaning assistance.

The Home Keepers cleaning services can alleviate the difficulty. These professional cleaners have the products and techniques to keep baseboards sparkly clean.  

2. Appliance Buttons 

Appliance buttons are a common spot you forgot to clean. Microwaves or toaster ovens collect stubborn food particles and grease.

You may clean the inside of these appliances every so often, but you probably forgot to clean the buttons or exterior. Avoid germ build-up and scrub those buttons! 

3. Light Switches 

Did you know that touching light switches can cause bacterial infection? It’s important that you use the right products to clean your light switches to avoid electrical malfunctions.

Professional cleaners know how to care for these switches. The Home Keepers can add this important overlooked spot to your weekly cleaning packages

4. Toilet Bowl Handle 

Bathroom cleanliness is important for the health of your home and family. Flushing before washing your hands means bacteria and germs can build up on the handle. Don’t forget to use germ-killing cleaning products on this overlooked spot. 

5. Coffee or Tea Maker 

How often do you clean your coffee or tea maker? Rinsing with water every now and then is not enough!

Particle or water build-up can damage your appliances. Clean with hot water and soap at least once per week.  

6. Oven Hood 

The oven hood is a magnet for grease and food stains. Clean the oven hood every time you cook something that splatters. This helps to prevent excess scrubbing down the line. 

7. Closet Floors 

Closet floors are notorious spots for collecting dirt, dust, or hair. When you vacuum, use the suction setting to clean closet floors. A clean closet floor helps keep your clothing, footwear, and belongings in top shape. 

8. Walls 

Walls can collect dust or dirt. They can also be prone to stain. While scrubbing walls every week is excessive, you should at least lightly dust or keep up with maintenance cleaning. 

Still Forgetting to Clean? You May Need Professional Help! 

Do you find yourself forgetting to clean these areas often? Or, do you lack the time or expertise to clean your home?

You could use the help of professional cleaners. The Home Keepers serve many areas in Houston. Ready to take the stress out of cleaning? Contact The Home Keepers to request a cleaning quote.