The average American household contains over 9,000 species of bacteria and fungus. That’s a scary thought, isn’t it?

The good news is that with regular thorough cleanings, your home won’t be a breeding ground. Keep reading to find our professional cleaning tips.

Get the Right Tools

One of our favorite cleaning secrets is to invest in high-quality house cleaning supplies. You don’t need one hundred different products for every room of your home. Simplify your supplies by using efficient multi-purpose cleaners that do more than one job.

If you’re spending a lot of time scrubbing your home’s surfaces, your cleaner isn’t strong enough. Scrubbing is not only tiring, but it’s a waste of time. A more efficient cleaning solution works fast and cuts back on scrubbing.

More than having the right supplies, though, is keeping them where you need them. Store rags and cleaning products under your kitchen and bathroom sinks so they’re within easy reach. Keep brooms and dustpans in rooms you need to sweep.

Don’t Put Off Tackling Your Bathrooms

The bathroom is one of the rooms in your home that can get grimy fast. Don’t put off cleaning it until you can see the stains in the toilet and bathtub.

Apply cleaner to the shower and bathtub as soon as you commit to cleaning your bathroom. This will allow it time to work its magic. Choose an all-purpose cleaner if you clean the shower regularly or acid-based if it’s been a while.

Your shower curtain and liner should see the washing machine often. Replace the liner every six months to ensure no pesky bacteria lingers longer than it should.

Put Your Washer to Work

One of our best cleaning hacks for your living room and bedroom is to launder your textiles. Your pillows, blankets, and upholstery all hold onto particles that can attract dust mites. Try to wash your sheets and bedding once a week to keep allergens and germs away.

Wash your pillows, too, as they can become a breeding ground for fungal spores. Washing them can be a bit tricky, but we have some advice.

Warm water and the gentle cycle is all that most pillows need. You can air dry them or toss them in your dryer to fluff them up a bit. Read the label on your pillows as some may have special washing instructions.

Wash your drapery at least once or twice a year. Vacuum them with an attachment to keep them dust-free between washings.

Clean your washing machine once a month, too. Soap residues and minerals in your detergent build-up and make your washer inefficient.

Put two cups of white vinegar wherever your detergent goes and run a recycle cycle on hot. This should remove and prevent bacteria growth until it’s time to clean it again. If you find it’s still dirty, use another 1/4 cup of vinegar with hot water to scrub the interior of your machine.

Professional Cleaning Tips for a Spic and Span Home

Your home is sure to be sparkling when you use our professional cleaning tips.

If your busy life makes cleaning difficult, you should consider enlisting the help of professionals. Our team of friendly cleaners know all the tricks of the trades to keep your home clean. Contact us today to see how we can help make your home sparkle.