Experts recommend vacuuming your house once a week. While many people do this, a lot don’t. 

Why, you might wonder? For some people, it’s time issues. For others, it’s a lack of motivation. 

If you don’t vacuum weekly, you might want to start. You might also want to learn the best vacuum tips to use and follow each week when you vacuum.

Here are seven tips you can use to help you learn more about vacuuming your house.

1. It’s Better to Vacuum Last

When cleaning, it’s often best to vacuum last. In other words, you should clean everything else first and then vacuum. 

Vacuuming last follows the principle of cleaning from the top down. When you do it this way, you’ll have a cleaner home.

2. Run the Vacuum Over the Floors Twice

When using a vacuum, you should go over your floors twice. When you do this, try to clean in different directions. You’ll be less likely to miss dirt and debris if you follow this tip. 

3. Keep the Vacuum Clean

Next, you’ll need to perform vacuum cleaning from time to time. While there are different types of vacuums, every type requires cleanings. 

You can determine what methods to use to clean yours, and you should do this at least once each month. A vacuum gets dirty inside, and it can spread germs around your home if you don’t clean it.

4. Use the Right Settings

Vacuuming is an important cleaning task for all floor types. If your vacuum has different settings, you’ll need to make sure you use the right one. 

After vacuuming, you might want to clean your hard surface floors, including your hardwood floors

5. Don’t Pick Up Objects

When learning how to use a vacuum, an essential principle to know is that you shouldn’t pick up objects with it. Before you vacuum, look at your floors and pick up any large pieces of things you find. 

6. Move the Furniture Monthly

Even the best vacuum won’t pick up debris that it can’t reach, such as the dust that collects under your furniture. 

If possible, you should move your furniture once a month to clean underneath it. If you wait too long, it might get really dusty and dirty underneath. 

7. Slow Down 

Vacuuming is not a race, but many people rush through it. When you decide to vacuum, it’s important to take your time.

You should move slowly over the floors instead of rushing over them. When you vacuum slowly, your sweeper will pick up more debris from your floors. 

Follow These Vacuum Tips for Cleaner Floors

When you follow these vacuum tips, your floors will be cleaner, which means that your house will also be cleaner. Vacuuming is an essential cleaning duty to complete weekly, so make sure you stick with that schedule. 

If you live near Katy, TX, and need help with your house-cleaning duties, call us. We offer all kinds of cleaning services and can provide a free quote to you today.