We know this scene all too well: You are enjoying the first glorious sip of your morning coffee, and the kids and animals run right past you and knock right into your hand. Uh oh! Now your delicious coffee spilled all over your shirt and carpet. 

Cue the frantic googling of “how to remove coffee stains.” Don’t worry. You landed on the right article. 

This helpful guide will show you how to remove coffee stains from any surface, including carpets and even pure white clothes. However, if you would like to leave it to the pros so you can hurry off to work, we can handle the cleaning process for you quickly and efficiently. 

Keep reading to find out more about how to remove coffee stains.

How to Remove Coffee Stains From Carpets

When it comes to the carpet, you will want to remove as much of the coffee before it settles into the rug. If it is dry, there is still hope; we will show you how to remove those.

You will need:

  • Clean cloth or paper towel
  • Water
  • Liquid dish soap
  • White vinegar
  • A fan or dryer 

Fresh Coffee Stains

If it is a fresh coffee spill on the carpet, grab a clean cloth or paper towel and start blotting, but ensure not to rub the spot, as this will cause the coffee to settle deeper into the carpet. 

Spray some water onto the spill and continue to blot. You will want to repeat this process a few times until the stain is gone, but do not soak the carpet. 

Dried Coffee Stains

If the coffee spill is already dry, you can still get it out! Mix one tablespoon each of white vinegar and liquid dish soap with two cups of water. Using this mixture, blot it onto the stain using a cloth. Every so often, use a dry cloth or paper towel to blot away some of the mix and coffee. 

Continue to alternate between the wet and dry cloth until the stain is gone. Use a fan or blow dryer to dry the spot gently. 

Coffee Stain Removal From Clothes

Unfortunately, avid coffee drinkers usually suffer from frequent coffee stains on their clothes. Not to fret, here is how you can remove the stains so you can keep enjoying your delicious cuppa joe. 

You will need:

  • Liquid laundry detergent 
  • Cold water
  • A little patience

You will first want to run the back of the stain underneath cold water for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the water runs clear. If it is a fresh spill, this may be all you need to lift the stain. If it is still not gone or a dried stain, continue to the next step. 

Rub a little bit of liquid laundry detergent and cold water into the stain, then let it sit for 5 minutes. If it is a dried coffee stain, soak the clothes for 30 minutes in cold water and then check the spot to see if it has lifted. 

If the stain is still there, soak it for 15 minutes in warm water and rinse it thoroughly. Air-dry the clothing instead of running it through the dryer to avoid setting the stain. 

Pure White Clothes

Nothing is worse than spilling coffee on pure white clothes! It is inevitable that each time you put on your favorite bright white shirt or pants, coffee is determined to get all over it. Read on to see how simple it is to remove the coffee stain. 

With white clothes, it is vital to treat the stain as fast as possible. When removing coffee stains from pure white clothes, mix 1/4 cup chlorine bleach and a gallon of water. Soak the clothes in the mixture for five minutes, rinse with cold water and throw it in the washer.

Why Not Call a Pro?

We know how stressful it can be when you get a stain on your rug, and you are already in a rush to go to work or take the kids to school. This guide is here to solve your coffee stain problems so you can continue to enjoy it without fear of spilling. 

If you have stubborn coffee stains and are in the Houston area, contact us today to remove them for you! We know how hectic your life may be, so why not let us handle the stress?