If your water has a high concentration of minerals, it can leave unsightly “hard water” stains behind.

These stains can seem difficult to remove, especially if you’re not familiar with a few insider tricks of the trade.

Check out these tips about how to remove hard water stains in your bathroom for a shiny tub, shower, and faucet.

What are Hard Water Stains?

The term water hardness refers to the level of minerals like magnesium or calcium that are concentrated in your home’s water supply. When these mineral levels are high, it often earns the nickname “hard water.”

As you run your shower or faucet, the minerals sit on the fixtures or in the tub and leave cloudy or white-colored marks behind. Hard water stains are simply a result of these minerals sticking to surfaces after the water evaporates.

How to Remove Hard Water Stains on Showers and Tubs

If you’re dealing with nasty stains on the surface of your shower or tub, it’s easy to remove them with a simple DIY mixture. Just add equal parts white vinegar to some clean water, and mix them together in a spray bottle.

Spray the mixture liberally anywhere you notice the stains on your shower or tub. Allow the mixture to saturate the surface for about 15 minutes or more.

After the vinegar and water mixture does its job, start gently scrubbing the stain away. Always use a soft, non-abrasive cloth when removing the stains to avoid leaving scratches behind.

If the stains are especially stubborn, make a paste with a bit of white vinegar and baking soda. Apply the paste to the stain, then wait 15 minutes before you scrub it clean.

Removing Hard Water Stains in the Bathroom: Faucets

Mineral buildup on your bathroom faucets and showerhead can be extremely annoying. You’ll need to know how to remove hard water stains here the right way in order for them to come off easily.

Look for a store-bought cleaning solution that removes calcium, rust, and lime. You can find this product at most general retailers or at your local home improvement store.

Fill a large bowl with equal parts of the solution and some hot water. When possible, remove your showerhead or faucet and place it directly in the bowl and let it sit for a few minutes. You may also hold the bowl up to the fixtures and let them sit in the mixture for two to three minutes.

Use a non-abrasive brush or sponge to help get rid of any extra grime or mineral deposits. Continue this process until all of the stains are finally gone, then rinse everything clean and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Kiss Hard Water Stains Goodbye

Once you know how to remove hard water stains, tackling them in your bathroom is easy. Remember to be patient and allow any handmade cleaning solutions to work their magic so you can enjoy a clean and shiny bathroom once again.

If you need help removing hard water stains or other cleaning services, be sure to contact us today!